Saturday, November 26, 2011

Monday, May 24, 2010

ccna 3p course

hi..has been long time no see..lastly posted was on last year.many things was happened after that..get busy doing on my final year project and alhamdulillah it was just finished last month.FUHHHHH.........

and now keep struggling on 3P course for CCNA certification.. there are about 10days til the examination. its killing me tough to attend the class EVERYDAY 8am to 5pm eventhough during weekend =((. no rest at all..T.T

:: i have no idea what i keep on babbling juz now..hahahaha :: so tension..huhuhuhuhu
 no I am in my class counting every second for break hour.huhuhhu

to BO..congrats sebab da start ade blogger.. Bo..kite sesame xde follower agi..hahahahaha
lets gain it together..=))
how ?? dunno ... @.@

Friday, November 27, 2009

fuh..slesai wat rendang daging tuk bkn saye yg pneman jer..huhu.ofcourse ler my mom yg wat..xsabo nak mam esk..hikhik!
esk raye..yeeha!! coz my grandma wat haji taun saye n famly xperlu ler balik kampong coz tadek owang kt kampong..raye taun ni di rumah je la..home sweet home..

Thursday, November 26, 2009

tutor add math

adoi penat betoi..ingatkan senang nak ngajo orang ni rupe nye 'parok' juge ye..huuhu.susah rupenye profesion 'guru' ni..jangan salah sangke plk.saye bukan nye jadi cikgu/guru/lecturer or swaktu dengannye..actually saye baru je abes ngajo adek bongsu saya tu add math. 1 soklan je padahalnye, tp duk gaduh cam nak perang.almaklumler kakak die ni garang ckt, die plk lagi, naik drh le saye.hehe.saje tnjuk garang bio die kecut perut ckt.hakhakhak

luse da raye..baju raye kitar smule jer..pkai balik bju raye pose tu. bkn nye ade org prasan pon..huhu.sbenarnye da tempah baju tapi xsempat cyap sbelum xjadi la baju raye..huwaa!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My 1st post.. last..i got my own blog!!skarang da pon pukul 2.22 am, saya da ngantuk sangat..tomorrow i continue what i'm going to write here k..huhu.xlarat sgt da..berat da mate ni..gud nyte..
